Most people have a life bucket list of things they want to accomplish before “kicking the bucket.” But what about a reverse bucket list?

A reverse bucket list is a list of things already done that are bucket list worthy. To know where you’re going, you should look at where you’ve been. Creating a map for the journey thus far assists in understanding why we want the things we want and how to get them.

Quality Life Services wants to be a positive part of that journey.

Why a Reverse Bucket List Could be a Good Idea

A reverse bucket list is a creative way to reflect on your life thus far. By taking note of those experiences that stand out, you can find gratitude in your previous accomplishments and use those positive achievements of the past as a springboard toward the future.

One of the major goals of the reverse bucket list is to foster a sense of purpose in day-to-day life to move forward successfully. Realistic goals serve as an incentive to keep adding to the list. Aligning time and energy around those activities that bring meaning and purpose fosters a more inspiring, satisfying, and fulfilling life.

How to Get Started on a Reverse Bucket List

Most of us may spend too much time focusing on what we haven’t done and not enough time appreciating what we have accomplished. A reverse bucket list takes care of that situation.

To develop your reverse bucket list:

  1. Block out about an hour or so of time to write.
  2. Think of all the things you have done in your life, not just the big things, but stuff you’re proud of. It can be as simple as winning an award in grade school or as impressive as starting a profitable company. Write them all down.
  3. Look at the list and give yourself a moment to reflect on and appreciate your success with these accomplishments and the hard work that went into them.
  4. Continue to add to the list as more good things happen or goals are met.

Too often, we brush off the things we have done, thinking they are no big deal. It’s important to lose that mindset and realize that accomplishments are worth paying attention to, no matter how small.

Potential themes to focus on include:

  • Lifetime milestones
  • Personal goals
  • Daring activities
  • Volunteer work
  • Education
  • Travel
  • Professional accomplishments
  • Financial stability
  • Family & friends

Everything on your reverse bucket list should come down to those things that have made you happy. Write whatever comes to mind without filtering or judging yourself.

Care for When You Need it Most

Quality Life Services provides compassionate, selfless care for you or your loved one. We offer:

Skilled Nursing

Skilled nursing care may include intravenous (IV) therapy, wound care, injections, physical therapy, and more. Quality of Life Services is provided by Registered Nurses, Physical Therapists, Speech Therapists, and Dieticians.

Personal Care

Personal care homes at Quality Life Services provide shelter, supervision, meals, and help with personal care tasks. We cater to older people or those with physical, cognitive, or behavioral health disabilities who are unable to care for themselves but do not need nursing home or hospital care.

Home Health

Patients can make a safe, smooth transition from a hospital facility to a home setting through our home health division. It offers services during recovery or aging in the comfort of one’s home.


Our hospice team helps maximize quality of life by providing compassionate care for those with a life-limiting illness.

Call Quality Life Services today at 724-431-0770 to begin getting the care you or your loved one deserves.


Image credit: Rasdi Abdul Rahman / Shutterstock