Advanced Care Planning

Advanced Care Planning

Advance care planning involves discussing and preparing for future decisions about your medical care if you become seriously ill or unable to communicate your wishes. Having meaningful conversations with your loved ones is the most important part of advance care planning. 


Make Your Medical Wishes Known with an Advance Care Plan

It is not uncommon to hear stories about families feeling deeply conflicted or even being torn apart over decisions for their loved ones at the end of life. Many people assume their loved ones know what they would want. However, research suggests that this is not always true. 

People of all ages can benefit from advance care planning because a serious illness or severe injury can strike at any time. As we get older, it’s also common to need more help making decisions about health care. One study found that half of all adults age 65 or older who are admitted to a hospital had someone else involved in making their medical decisions. Having your documents in place and discussing your values with loved ones can help them make decisions that align with your preferences.

Quality Life Services has experienced staff to assist and guide you and your family through these sometimes difficult, yet necessary discussions. Advanced care planning discussions would address your clinical, social and spiritual needs and wants.

The Benefits of an Advance Care Plan

  • People are more likely to get the care they want if they discuss or document their wishes.
  • Although it can be tough, having these conversations and a plan can help reduce the burden on your loved ones later, help them feel less guilt and depression, and grieve more easily.
  • Sharing your wishes in advance and identifying a health care proxy can make life a little easier on your family and save them from wondering if they made the right decisions for you.

Speak to a professional QLS care coordinator today!

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